Presentation: Tweet"Failure Comes in Flavor: Stability Antipatterns"
Once you hit that "deploy" button the first time, your system will be living in the real world. It has to survive everything the messy, noisy real world can throw at it: from flash mobs to Slashdot to Neil Gaiman tweeting about it. Once the public starts beating on your system, it has to survive--without you. But did you know that just having your database behind a firewall can bring down your system? You will learn about that and many other risks to your system.
In this session, you will learn why the path to success begins with a failure-oriented mindset. I'll talk about several common ways that systems fail, costing their companies millions of euros. I'll share some of my scars and war stories with you (don't worry, they're all suitable for polite company) in the hopes that you can avoid some of these costly disasters.
Keywords: Architecture, Availability, Stability, Operations, Production, Design, Real world
Target Audience: Architects and developers of distributed systems.